* GP service: Welcome to the clinic Lægerne Algade 17. We are a GP Practice with 3 doctors and 2 assistants open during the daytime.
We don`t see patients without prior arrangement so please: always call us before you come here.
Regular appointment: If you need an appointment call 46357222 between 9-12 or book here on the web page ("kontakt klinikken")
Acute apointment: If you need an acute appointment the same day, please call 46357222 between 8-9.
Sudden, severe illness: In case of sudden, severe illness in need of quick help call 40157222 between 8-16.
Life-threatening symptoms: If signs of heart disease (chestpain), difficulties breathing or apoplexia/brain haemorrage call 112.
Injuries: fractures or injuries less than 24 hours old is seen in the Emergency room af Roskilde hospital (closest:" Roskilde Skadestue") . You have to call before arriving on tell 1818.
* Out-of-hours: Between 16-8 and holidays and weekends you can call the GP on call/"Lægevagt" at 1818.
Friday after 12 the answering machine will direct you to the doctor on call in case of acute need. In case of closure of the clinic the answering machine will also direct you to another doctor.
There is up to 5 days delay for answering e-mails, so it can only be used for non-emergencies
*Region Hovedstaden: If you live outside Region Sjælland, for instance in Hedehusene or Taastrup, you should call 1813 for acute help out-of-hours 16-08 and holidays and weekends and for injuries all hours.
The Red Cross health care clinic: offers basic health care, such as consultation by medical doctor, nurses, pregnancy examinations, physiotherapy and acute dental treatments to people without a Danish CPR-number who fall outside the public Danish health system, or who are not covered by a health insurance. Open: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 5-8pm
Adress: Reventlowsgade 10, 1651 Copenhagen V. Email: sundhedsklinikken@rodekors.dk or telephone 3171 6164.
Corona virus and vaccination:
Patients with suspected coronainfection or corona-symptoms are asked to wear a mask in the clinique.
You can call the hotline tel 70204222 or the webpage www.en.coronasmitte.dk for questions about coronavirus or vaccination.
You can read more about corona-vaccinations here: www.sst.dk